Saturday, August 11, 2012

Goodbye Summer, Hello Reality

Ahh, summer is already coming to an end! It seems like it just started...yet somehow it's already time for me to go back to reality. But I've missed people, teaching, seeing the ocean every day, my comfy bed, and even just having a schedule and routine, so I'm looking forward to returning to life at my little house at the coast.  (I'm also slightly terrified about this year...but trusting that God will see me through!)

This summer has been such of a blessing! I have done so many fun things: I went on a cruise with my sister and 2 of my nieces (and learned how to dance to Thriller--jealous?), got back into kickboxing classes (I LOVE them!), went rafting, attended a wedding, spent many, many hours visiting with friends, watched the Olympics, read books (for fun! not just teaching related!), planned how I want to decorate my classroom, stayed up late and slept in, went to noon worship at church (I really miss it when I'm not here!), and completed two online classes for grad school (ok, this last one was not exactly fun).  

It really has been a great summer.  In addition to all the fun things I've gotten to do, God has used various people, teachings, and books to remind me how amazingly great His love and grace are for me.  I'd like to blog about that soon, as I feel like I just have to share some of these things I've been learning that have been truly changing my outlook on life and my views of myself.  He is so good!

So, goodbye summer (and all those I love in Southern Oregon! I'll miss you!) and hello to another year of teaching and adventures!


perkyguy said...

It's been nice having you around!

chelsea said...

I'm going to miss you! I hope you have a safe trip home:)

Debra said...

It's been so nice having you here for the summer. Looking forward to helping you set up your classroom this Thursday. See you soon!
