I'm not very good at waiting. Unfortunately, I'm waiting on a couple huge things right now, and it's driving me absolutely bonkers. Like I think about them and check my email constantly, and try to plan out the scenarios in my mind, and then worry a little. What I'm waiting on is my financial aid package for next year (which I knew by mid-March the past two years) and whether or not I've been accepted into the licensure track program. They both affect each other a little...here are the scenarios I've been going over and over in my mind:
1) Maybe I'll get a good scholarship next year, since it's my senior year and I've had good grades.
2) Maybe I'll also get into the program! Good news, since I won't be able to work and be in the program (the program advisor said you cannot work and be in the program).
3) But, maybe I won't get in. Then I'll still have to work, and I'm quite looking forward to not...and then I'll have to go right into the MAT program in two years.
4) But maybe I won't get good financial aid. No big deal if I don't get into the program, since I can work all year.
5) But if I do get into the program and can't work...more loans. Although I just talked to a friend who said at the end of next year, she'll have $75,000 in loans...how is that even possible for one person at SOU? I won't have anywhere near that amount, thankfully. Of course I'm all uptight about the little bit I do have.
6) And if I do get into the program, what should I do when I graduate? MEd at SOU? MEd somewhere else? (I started looking into online MEd programs at Christian schools and started getting a little depressed again. I am very thankful that I'm at SOU and get to graduate early...things have worked out nicely, but I sometimes really wish I would have been able to go to Corban or GFU and looking at those websites and their smiling faces bum me out, so I try not to go to their sites.) No school, just work for a while? Teach somewhere else (I was looking into teaching in Spain for a couple months, but that would be more $$).
7) And if I don't, should I do the MAT at SOU? It would be most practical and affordable, for sure. But...argh.
Decisions, decisions.
I know I should be waiting patiently, but waiting is so hard, and I've been waiting forever it seems.
I guess this should be my prayer- "Let all that I am wait patiently before God, for my hope is in him." Psalm 62:5
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Saturday, April 17, 2010
A crafty weekend
Once a month, a woman from my church plans a night where a bunch of young women get together and do crafty things at her and her sister's house for a girls night. We've made homemade bagels, apple pies, and other things my brain can't recall at this late hour. Last night was our April "Real Simple" (as the girls night is called), and we made flower barrettes, headbands, hair ties, and/or brooches. They graciously supplied the things to make them, but asked us to bring our own flowers. So, I went to Craft Warehouse and bought some small fake daisies. While I was there I was given a flyer about the make & take crafts they were doing in-store today and they seemed fun, so my mom, sister Josie, and I went today and I made a free beaded bracelet.
Below are some pictures of this weekends crafts! :)
Also, for my educational technology class my prof has us working with Adobe Photoshop, and I decided to download the free trial version on my computer so I could edit my pictures. Let me just say it's about the coolest thing ever...it even has a tool called a "spot healing brush" aka "get rid of blemishes/spots" feature...amazing! So, yes, these are edited photos :) Although I'm a photoshop newbie so I didn't edit much.

This is the headband I attached a flower to.
I added the flower to the above hair tie.
Me modeling a flower hair clip.
From the side.
The bracelet I made today.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
A new post! A new post!
I know, I'm so bad at blogging. It has been about 7 months since I last wrote a post on this blog. For some reason this weekend I got the urge to write again and change up my blog a bit. I really didn't like my blog title but couldn't come up with another one, so I changed it to this quote for now.
So what's happened in the last seven months? Well, a lot, but not many exciting things. Here are some highlights I can think of right now:
*I started my junior year of college. I can't believe I'm over halfway done now! I'm so glad. I enjoy learning, but I'm getting pretty tired of homework, essays, and reflections. I've been in school for the past 15 years and I'm ready to stop being a student and start being a teacher.
*I applied to be in the licensure track of the elementary education program. I should find out sometime next month whether I got in or not. If I get in, I'll get to student teach next year. If not, I'll just attend my senior classes, get my degree, and then apply for the MAT program. I'm really hoping to get in, but I trust that if I don't, God has some other plans.
*I decided to go on a trip with a group from my church this summer to Camp Barnabas, where I'll be a camp counselor for a week. The trip is in August...I can't believe it's sneaking up on me so quickly already! I'm also doing a fundraiser for it, though I hate selling things so I haven't done so well. I'm most likely just going to end up paying most of my way from money I earn from work. If you're curious about the fundraiser, you can check it out and buy golf balls online at www.mcffundraiser.com.
*I've been working, working, working. My job has undergone some significant changes in the past couple months, like a new director was hired and people I used to work with aren't working in my department and new people have taken those positions. I've had to really step up and take on the main teacher role a lot, which has been challenging but good for me. Even though I love the kids and enjoy the people I work with now, though, I've gotta say...I'm so ready to be a classroom teacher in a school.
That's about it. Exciting, eh?
So what's happened in the last seven months? Well, a lot, but not many exciting things. Here are some highlights I can think of right now:
*I started my junior year of college. I can't believe I'm over halfway done now! I'm so glad. I enjoy learning, but I'm getting pretty tired of homework, essays, and reflections. I've been in school for the past 15 years and I'm ready to stop being a student and start being a teacher.
*I applied to be in the licensure track of the elementary education program. I should find out sometime next month whether I got in or not. If I get in, I'll get to student teach next year. If not, I'll just attend my senior classes, get my degree, and then apply for the MAT program. I'm really hoping to get in, but I trust that if I don't, God has some other plans.
*I decided to go on a trip with a group from my church this summer to Camp Barnabas, where I'll be a camp counselor for a week. The trip is in August...I can't believe it's sneaking up on me so quickly already! I'm also doing a fundraiser for it, though I hate selling things so I haven't done so well. I'm most likely just going to end up paying most of my way from money I earn from work. If you're curious about the fundraiser, you can check it out and buy golf balls online at www.mcffundraiser.com.
*Through the crumbling of some friendships, the Lord has taught me to put Him first and not invest so much of my heart into others who don't share a true committment to Him. Emotionally November to early March were really difficult, but God walked with me through it.
*I've been working, working, working. My job has undergone some significant changes in the past couple months, like a new director was hired and people I used to work with aren't working in my department and new people have taken those positions. I've had to really step up and take on the main teacher role a lot, which has been challenging but good for me. Even though I love the kids and enjoy the people I work with now, though, I've gotta say...I'm so ready to be a classroom teacher in a school.
That's about it. Exciting, eh?
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