Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Summer is Here!

Summer is finally here (and it is so stinking HOT today!) With summer comes an end to college classes and the beginning of working with K-6th graders full-time. I am so glad! By the end of spring term, I was struggling to keep the motivation to study and get to bed at a reasonable hour. I procrastinated and I crammed like crazy those last few weeks. Part of the reason was the weather (who wants to study when it's sunny and warm outside?), and the other part was that I had friends from other schools who were already done and wanting to visit. Despite those reasons, I somehow managed to get everything done (on time!) and did well on my finals...and now it's over!

Now I am back at the Child Development Center where I worked for a couple years before I started school last fall. It's been super busy and crazy, but lots of fun so far. My friend and co-worker, Chelsea, and I came up with the idea of having "themed weeks" as part of the program, which has been both good and bad. Good, because it has been easier to plan some fun crafts and activities that are centered around a theme, and I think it's been fun. Bad, because the other staff members have not taken any initiative to help and plan things themselves, so bascically Chelsea and I are expected to plan and carry out all of the crafts and activities. This week is "Jungle/Safari Week" and I had the kids do a sponge-painting jungle craft on Monday (that turned out so cute!) and today they made snakes out of construction paper and use balloons to paint them. :)

Another thing that we do at my work is to go on a field trip nearly every day, which I love because it breaks up the day and keeps the kids busy. Every Tuesday and Thursday we go swimming at a public pool and every Friday we go to a park. Mondays and Wednesdays we go to various different places. This Monday we went ice skating, which was fun for everyone except the 6-year old who fell and chipped his front tooth completely in half (although he went to the dentist the same day and they fixed it, and now he has a cool story to tell, so I'm not so sure it was such of a bad thing.) Today we went roller skating, and luckily no one fell and chipped or broke anything (but we did have one little girl get sick a few times, in a few places. Poor girl.)

Anyway, so that's my update. (My step-sister, Bethany, has been asking me to continue blogging, and since I have more time this summer and because Bethany makes up roughly 33% of the people who read this, I figured I might as well write another post.) I'll try to write again soon, so I hope you are excited at the prospect of reading another long, uninteresting, and rambling post about my life again soon! :)


BETHANY said...

Well, at least Mr. Chipped Tooth didn't rip the whole thing out by the root. Not that I'd know any kids who would do such a thing. :)

And I'm glad you're blogging again. You're so cooperative!

Alex said...

Yay!! more blogging!!

perkyguy said...

Who are the other 67% of the people who read this?