This weekend has been my first weekend at home in a long time! Last weekend, I went to Beaverton for Naomi's 2nd birthday party; the weekend before that, I was in California with my mom spending time at Spirit West Coast; the weekend before that, I was a counselor for my church's 4th and 5th grade camp. But just because I was home didn't mean I wasn't busy! Yesterday we celebrated Makiah's 2nd birthday at our house, which was fun. Today did start out interesting, though...
My dad had to go to church early this morning because he was on doorkeeping duty, so my mom and I were going to go in her car. Well, we were going to take her car, until she realized that her keys had been misplaced somehow during Makiah's party last night, so we decided to take mine instead. So we got into my car, I started it up, drove about five feet, and realized that it wasn't driving right; something was very wrong. I tried to drive some more, then told my mom something wasn't right. She knew right away that it must have been one of my tires, so I parked the car and we got out to have a look. Sure enough, both tires that on the right side of the vehicle were completely flat. We ended up going back into the house to search for the keys, and eventually made it to church in her car.
The bummer is that someone didn't just let the air out of them, but actually slashed the tires. Of course today is Sunday and Les Schwab is apparently closed on Sundays, so it will have to be dealt with later. Meanwhile I'm borrowing my mom's car.
Even so, I'm very thankful that we discovered it when we did. I believe that although this is not a good thing to happen, God was in control of it all. If my mom hadn't lost her keys, I probably wouldn't have discovered it until later and wouldn't have my mom's car to use right now. I'm so glad that I am loved by a God who protects and provides, even in the midst of bad situations. I trust that He will continue to work in this situation, and I'm thankful for the reminder that He's in control of all things. He is good!
Call me crazy, but I'm also starting to wonder if God is telling me to get a different car or something too. I imagined driving this car until it woudn't go anymore, hopefully after I'd saved enough for another. But it has been just one thing after another this year with this car. First, in January, I had that whole sliding on black ice and crashing onto the curb thing. Then, someone (I think one of my neighbors) made a HUGE dent on the side, then another on the driver door. Then, in June, I had an incident in which a large plastic container flew off the bed of a truck that was in front of me on the freeway, and I couldn't avoid running it over. Then about three weeks ago, my radio antenna stopped working; about two weeks ago, the remaining working speakers stopped working (I think there's some kind of loose connection, because the only speaker that worked for the longest time was the left one, and now that just went out. It only works when I use a cassette adapter and play my ipod through it.) Now this. I realize that through all of this, my car is still working and everything...I just think that this is starting to get ridiculous, and I'm wondering what the deal is. But again, I trust that God knows everything, and I pray He'll lead me to do whatever I need to, if I need to do anything at all. It's good not having to know all the answers all the time!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
The most incredible day EVER.
(I'm still no good at adding pictures to this blog!! So, here are all the pictures first, and at the bottom is what I wrote about yesterday.)

BarlowGirl on the small stage at the VIP reception area, with only about 100 people in the audience.
Hawk Nelson.
Nick on the stage in the VIP reception area.
Nick and I.
Mom, Nick, and I.
Me with Nick, holding up the letter he wrote for me.
Mom and I backstage.
Me backstage with the stage behind me.

Me backstage holding up my VIP pass.
This is the picture of Family Force 5 that I snuck. They are at their autograph signing table.
BarlowGirl on the small stage at the VIP reception area, with only about 100 people in the audience.
Me backstage holding up my VIP pass.
Yesterday was incredible! My mom and I went to SWC in the early afternoon to watch the bands, shop, and eat some lunch before I was supposed to meet one-on-one with Nick Vujicic (if you don't know who he is, go to his website, Anyway, I was expecting to maybe go in with other VIP "circle 100" people (who pay over $1000 for their membership, by the way) to a meet-and-greet or something, but what actually happened is that Patrick, the assistant director of SWC, took us back with the VIPs and told us we got to sit through the reception in a little room with Barlow Girl, Hawk Nelson, MercyMe, and Nick Vujicic, for a little up close and personal question & answer time!! Then, my mom and I got to go backstage and sit at a little table with Nick and his caretaker, Brian, and chat with him. He spoke some things right to my heart that were exactly what I needed to hear, and he prayed over me. Then he asked for paper and a marker, and he wrote me a note! I can't even describe to you what it meant to me to have the converstation with him; it's something I'll always remember. And to think he actually thanked me for taking the time to talk to him!? Incredible. He really inspired me and encouraged me to have big dreams. The one thing that he said that I think touched me the most (especially since I was already thinking that whatever I do with my life will be small in comparison with the huge impact he has made on millions of people) was that God will use me to touch people that he can't touch. Wow.
Anyway, it doesn't stop there. Patrick asked us if we wanted to go backstage during Nick's message later in the evening and stay back there while another band, Family Force 5, played! So we got special VIP passes and were backstage (well, actually on the side of the stage, with a good, close view of all that was going on!) for the whole thing. Then, when it was all over and we had to turn in our VIP passes, I asked if it would be possible to get a picture with the band, to which Patrick replied, "well, would you want to get their autograph if I could get you to the front of the line?" Of course I said yes, although I felt a little guilty for cutting hundreds of people (but at least most of them didn't even know I did, since they were behind a tent thing) So I got them to autograph their CD which we bought there, and I even snuck a picture before they said we weren't supposed to take them.
This whole thing has been such of an incredible time. I have been blessed and blessed and blessed again throughout this whole thing. God is good!!
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