Yes, it is 12:00 a.m., and I'm on the internet writing on my blog. I'm usually asleep by now, but I'm not because it's SPRING BREAK and I have been staying up later because I can.
So far it's been lovely. I painted my nails, watched movies with a friend, and went shopping (more like window shopping...or whatever you call it when you have no money and just go to look at stuff.) The only thing that would make it better would be if the weather would cooperate and start acting like spring instead of being cloudy and rainy.
Another thing I've done is read 2 books and 2 magazines that I actually wanted to read, not ones I had to read for a class. One of the books was Rachel's Tears, a book about the life of one of the girls killed at Columbine. It was such of a sad book, one of those books where the story stays in your mind for days after you read it. But it was also very inspirational. It was a book that touched my heart and deeply challenged me to examine my life and to make some changes.
I am thankful for all that God has been teaching me.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
Yeah, so I'm really sad that the picture below isn't showing up all of the way, and I don't know how to fix it. But I promise that it's funny, so you should just click on the link thing and check it out in it's entirety.

see more Lolcats and funny pictures
Yep, that's pretty much how I feel today.
Why, you ask?
Well, let me enlighten you!
Reason I Feel Like Dancing #1:
I only can find jeans that fit me at Old Navy for some reason, and lately I've discovered that they also have "tall" sized shirts and sweatshirts and everything, which is great because a lot of the time when I buy normal clothes they end up shrinking and having sleeves that are too short. ANYWAY, so I'm super excited and want to dance today because of my purchases on yesterday. I bought:
2 pairs of jeans
Regular price: $29.99 each
Sale price: $19 each
Price with coupon: $ 13.30 each
Total for 2 pairs: $26.60, less than the price of one would regularly cost
2 sweatshirts
Regular price: $15 each
Sale price: $10 each
Price with coupon: $7 each
Total for 2: $14, less than the normal price for 1
1 other sweatshirt
Regular Price: $19.50
Sale price: $12.99
Price with coupon: $9.10
2 shirts
Regular Price: $12.50
Sale Prices: one of them was on sale for $5 and the other was $10
Prices with coupon: $3.50 and $7
Total Spent: $60.20
Total Saved: $74.28
I saved more than I spent!!
AND, my mom bought some items too, so our total was over $75, so we got free shipping!! Is that a deal or what?
BTW-The reason I bought multiples of stuff was because they were so cheap, normally I wouldn't spend so much on clothes. But, I needed them, the prices were right, and I'm getting a tax refund. Yeah!
Reason I Feel Like Dancing #2:
It's Friday, but not just any Friday, it's also the Friday of the LAST WEEK OF CLASSES! That means all of my homework is turned in, my projects are done, my speeches are over with, and all I have to do is study for 3 tests. I'm not too worried about the finals, either. I have pretty strong grades right now, I'm just hoping the finals will bump one up just a bit. :)
Reason I Feel Like Dancing #3:
It's sunny outside. Need I say more?
Yeah, so I'm really sad that the picture below isn't showing up all of the way, and I don't know how to fix it. But I promise that it's funny, so you should just click on the link thing and check it out in it's entirety.

see more Lolcats and funny pictures
Yep, that's pretty much how I feel today.
Why, you ask?
Well, let me enlighten you!
Reason I Feel Like Dancing #1:
I only can find jeans that fit me at Old Navy for some reason, and lately I've discovered that they also have "tall" sized shirts and sweatshirts and everything, which is great because a lot of the time when I buy normal clothes they end up shrinking and having sleeves that are too short. ANYWAY, so I'm super excited and want to dance today because of my purchases on yesterday. I bought:
2 pairs of jeans
Regular price: $29.99 each
Sale price: $19 each
Price with coupon: $ 13.30 each
Total for 2 pairs: $26.60, less than the price of one would regularly cost
2 sweatshirts
Regular price: $15 each
Sale price: $10 each
Price with coupon: $7 each
Total for 2: $14, less than the normal price for 1
1 other sweatshirt
Regular Price: $19.50
Sale price: $12.99
Price with coupon: $9.10
2 shirts
Regular Price: $12.50
Sale Prices: one of them was on sale for $5 and the other was $10
Prices with coupon: $3.50 and $7
Total Spent: $60.20
Total Saved: $74.28
I saved more than I spent!!
AND, my mom bought some items too, so our total was over $75, so we got free shipping!! Is that a deal or what?
BTW-The reason I bought multiples of stuff was because they were so cheap, normally I wouldn't spend so much on clothes. But, I needed them, the prices were right, and I'm getting a tax refund. Yeah!
Reason I Feel Like Dancing #2:
It's Friday, but not just any Friday, it's also the Friday of the LAST WEEK OF CLASSES! That means all of my homework is turned in, my projects are done, my speeches are over with, and all I have to do is study for 3 tests. I'm not too worried about the finals, either. I have pretty strong grades right now, I'm just hoping the finals will bump one up just a bit. :)
Reason I Feel Like Dancing #3:
It's sunny outside. Need I say more?
Friday, March 6, 2009
(Ok, ok, two weeks, but one more week of classes, and then finals.)
I'm so excited. Not that you could tell or anything, I'm sure.
Next week is dead week, which the school in it's desire to be more PC has deemed quiet week. Quiet week? That makes it sound like we're all going to be relaxing and taking naps all week. Ha! Why not call it like it is? Dead week is much more fitting., I want to continue with the Days of Grace thing, but I can't keep listing 5 things I am thankful for. I know, it sounds like I am trying to get out of being thankful. But I assure you, I am not. It's just that it's difficult to think of 5 things to share with you every day, because so much of what I'm thankful for are the little things that wouldn't seem significant to anyone else, they're just things I thank God for in prayer. So, I am going to try to post 1 thing I am thankful for with every entry, rather than 5.
I am thankful that God always listens.
I'm so excited. Not that you could tell or anything, I'm sure.
Next week is dead week, which the school in it's desire to be more PC has deemed quiet week. Quiet week? That makes it sound like we're all going to be relaxing and taking naps all week. Ha! Why not call it like it is? Dead week is much more fitting., I want to continue with the Days of Grace thing, but I can't keep listing 5 things I am thankful for. I know, it sounds like I am trying to get out of being thankful. But I assure you, I am not. It's just that it's difficult to think of 5 things to share with you every day, because so much of what I'm thankful for are the little things that wouldn't seem significant to anyone else, they're just things I thank God for in prayer. So, I am going to try to post 1 thing I am thankful for with every entry, rather than 5.
I am thankful that God always listens.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
The Guy's Bible Study...and Me
Every Thursday night I have been going to this Bible study a guy from my church leads at a coffee shop here in town. It is aimed toward people who are 18-29 years old or so, and most of the people are usually about college-age or just finished with college fairly recently. Usually there are 10 or so people, with maybe 4-5 girls including me. Well...that wasn't the case tonight. 10 people did in fact show up, but 9 of them were guys, and 1 of them (me) was a girl. It was still a good study, it just bordered on the slightly awkward side as the guys were all talking with each other about guy stuff. That's not to say they didn't talk with me also, just you know, I was feelin' a bit like a girl in a guy's Bible study :)
Today, I am thankful:
1. That I did well on my math midterm that I took last week--I got a 106% on it! All that studying paid off :)
2. For snow covered mountains. I was driving home from school yesterday and noticed that they looked incredibly beautiful and majestic.
3. There are only 2 more weeks of winter term!! (2 days of Spanish and 2 days of art history left!)
4. I had a good time in practicum today (as always). I helped 3 groups of kids with practing their spelling words, like I do every week. It challenging...especially because the kids I work with are the kids who are at the lowest reading level. Most of them are reading well below grade level, actually. It's hard to get them to focus, and when they do, it's hard to watch as they can't read simple words like "her" or "river" when they are in first grade. But at the same time, I enjoy helping them and find it really rewarding when they start to catch on.
5. I can sleep in tomorrow! Well, compared to this morning, anyway. I can get up tomorrow morning the same time I was already at the elementary school this morning.
Today, I am thankful:
1. That I did well on my math midterm that I took last week--I got a 106% on it! All that studying paid off :)
2. For snow covered mountains. I was driving home from school yesterday and noticed that they looked incredibly beautiful and majestic.
3. There are only 2 more weeks of winter term!! (2 days of Spanish and 2 days of art history left!)
4. I had a good time in practicum today (as always). I helped 3 groups of kids with practing their spelling words, like I do every week. It challenging...especially because the kids I work with are the kids who are at the lowest reading level. Most of them are reading well below grade level, actually. It's hard to get them to focus, and when they do, it's hard to watch as they can't read simple words like "her" or "river" when they are in first grade. But at the same time, I enjoy helping them and find it really rewarding when they start to catch on.
5. I can sleep in tomorrow! Well, compared to this morning, anyway. I can get up tomorrow morning the same time I was already at the elementary school this morning.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Weekend Stuff and Days of Grace #8
Well, it's the end of another weekend. How is it that the weekends always go by so fast? Yesterday I worked pretty much all day and then I went to the mall to be in the 3rd(?) annual Valentine's Day (a little late this year) family photo with my mom, sister, nieces, and my sister's mother-in-law. While the people with the money (the adults minus me) were deciding which pictures they wanted to buy afterwards, us girls (including two of my nieces, Baylee, 8, and Rylie, 6) spent our time smelling the Yankee candles that were on display outside of the photo place at JC Penny. I know, who spends their time smelling candles? But it was that or take them to look at stuff in other stores, so I opted for staying close and checking out the candles.
After that was all done, my friend Chelsea and I went to church. It's pretty exciting that Chelsea has been coming to church with me, because she hadn't been going to church regularly for months now. Then I invited her to come with me a couple weeks ago, and the message really spoke to her heart, so she's been coming with me lately. We're even both going on the college retreat that my church is going to have in a few weeks! I can't wait.
Then last night after church we watched A Walk to Remember. I know it's not the most realistic movie and Jamie does the whole missionary dating thing...but I still love the movie. I'm pretty sure I cried my way through the whole second half though. But I want to watch it again!
Today was pretty much like last Sunday. I spent pretty much all day on homework. I will be SO HAPPY when this term is over! There's just this week, then "dead" week (how fun), and then finals week, then spring break! So I basically just have to get through the next couple of weeks. I don't really mind finals week. I actually kind of like it. There's no homework or essays or anything, just studying and tests. I can handle that! Unfortunately, my final project for Spanish (which I have been dreading all term) is due on Wednesday (the first draft anyway), along with a test on subjunctive (which I completely don't understand), and then the Wednesday after is when I have to give a horrid 10 minutes presentation about my final project. I'm still trying to stretch out my 4 page paper into a 6 page one, so I haven't started making a powerpoint yet. Sigh.
Ok, now time for being thankful :)
1. The girl at Kinkos today scanned a copy of my transcript onto a flash drive for me and didn't charge me for it. I think she was supposed to, but we got to talking while she was working and then she told me that it was free and to have a nice day.
2. I only have to go to Spanish class 4 more times!!
3. I guess all of the studying I did paid off, because the math midterm that I took on Friday was super easy! I hope I did as well as I'm thinking I did!
4. Ok so this didn't happen today, but I guess my mom was talking with my niece, Baylee, a few days ago about American Girl dolls or something, and Baylee said that if she could pick any of their names to have for herself, she'd pick Ashley. I just thought that was cute. :)
5. I had dinner tonight with a friend for free, because she had gift certificates! I'm always thankful for free food.
After that was all done, my friend Chelsea and I went to church. It's pretty exciting that Chelsea has been coming to church with me, because she hadn't been going to church regularly for months now. Then I invited her to come with me a couple weeks ago, and the message really spoke to her heart, so she's been coming with me lately. We're even both going on the college retreat that my church is going to have in a few weeks! I can't wait.
Then last night after church we watched A Walk to Remember. I know it's not the most realistic movie and Jamie does the whole missionary dating thing...but I still love the movie. I'm pretty sure I cried my way through the whole second half though. But I want to watch it again!
Today was pretty much like last Sunday. I spent pretty much all day on homework. I will be SO HAPPY when this term is over! There's just this week, then "dead" week (how fun), and then finals week, then spring break! So I basically just have to get through the next couple of weeks. I don't really mind finals week. I actually kind of like it. There's no homework or essays or anything, just studying and tests. I can handle that! Unfortunately, my final project for Spanish (which I have been dreading all term) is due on Wednesday (the first draft anyway), along with a test on subjunctive (which I completely don't understand), and then the Wednesday after is when I have to give a horrid 10 minutes presentation about my final project. I'm still trying to stretch out my 4 page paper into a 6 page one, so I haven't started making a powerpoint yet. Sigh.
Ok, now time for being thankful :)
1. The girl at Kinkos today scanned a copy of my transcript onto a flash drive for me and didn't charge me for it. I think she was supposed to, but we got to talking while she was working and then she told me that it was free and to have a nice day.
2. I only have to go to Spanish class 4 more times!!
3. I guess all of the studying I did paid off, because the math midterm that I took on Friday was super easy! I hope I did as well as I'm thinking I did!
4. Ok so this didn't happen today, but I guess my mom was talking with my niece, Baylee, a few days ago about American Girl dolls or something, and Baylee said that if she could pick any of their names to have for herself, she'd pick Ashley. I just thought that was cute. :)
5. I had dinner tonight with a friend for free, because she had gift certificates! I'm always thankful for free food.
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