1. My band prof didn't say a word to me about how I skipped class. Yeah!
2. The Kutless concert was awesome! Although I ended up leaving before Kutless was done because they didn't start playing until about 9:30 (the concert started at 7:00 but there were 3 bands before them.) There weren't any chairs or anything, so after 3 hours standing in a hot, crowded room full of crazy people, we ended up leaving. But the part of Kutless' performance that I saw was GREAT. Seriously, it was really, really good.
3. My speech for Spanish is DONE! (Of course, my final paper and project aren't, but eh...)
4. We had DVR installed over the weekend. It's so cool.
5. Mounds bars. (Notice how nearly every time I share what I'm thankful for, at least one of the things is food/chocolate? I love food.)
Actually, scratch that.
Real #5. My wondeful mom, who gave me the Mounds bar.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Ashley the REBEL!
I am such of a rebel today--I am skipping my first class (ever, I think)! You see, I was going to go to each of my classes today, and then sprint out of my last class (band) so that I could make it to the Kutless concert tonight which I am super excited for, I just figured I might miss dinner but no biggie. But then I found out that my 2:00 class was canceled today because the teacher is sick (coincidentally, this is my Spanish class, the one I spent about 5 HOURS doing homework for yesterday, and the class that I was supposed to have a speech in). So, I had a dilemma. I could either hang out for another 2 hours (I had already been hanging out for 2 hours, since my last class ended at 11:50. But I went to SOMA, it was good. Anyway.) and then go to my band class, which was supposed to end early today if it went as planned, and then race to the concert. OR...I could come home, relax, write a blog, do some homework, and actually make it to the conert on time.
Guess which one I chose?
You're right! I chose the latter. But I have to admit that even as I write this, I'm feeling a bit guilty. I'm not a class skipper! I'm not really a rebel! The closest I've come to skipping a class was that time in high school when some friends and I left a band class to go to Wendy's and have a frosty and fries and then we went back to class (but, in my defense, it wasn't really class that day. we were supposed to sit in the auditorium for 1 1/2 hours and watch some play rehearsal or something.) (side note: What is it with band? I never skip anything else.)
So, now that I've gotten that off my chest, I am going to go enjoy the next couple of hours before I leave for the concert. While trying not to feel bad about being a skipper.
Here are my 5 things I'm thankful for today:
1. The lovely sun and wind that was in Ashland today
2. Not having to give my speech in Spanish today. Whew!
3. My math midterm being postponed until Friday.
4. The Kutless concert!!
5. That I think I have my schedule figured out for next term finally. And that, in an email, my advisor said that I am "thoughtful and make good decisions!" Ha. :)
Guess which one I chose?
You're right! I chose the latter. But I have to admit that even as I write this, I'm feeling a bit guilty. I'm not a class skipper! I'm not really a rebel! The closest I've come to skipping a class was that time in high school when some friends and I left a band class to go to Wendy's and have a frosty and fries and then we went back to class (but, in my defense, it wasn't really class that day. we were supposed to sit in the auditorium for 1 1/2 hours and watch some play rehearsal or something.) (side note: What is it with band? I never skip anything else.)
So, now that I've gotten that off my chest, I am going to go enjoy the next couple of hours before I leave for the concert. While trying not to feel bad about being a skipper.
Here are my 5 things I'm thankful for today:
1. The lovely sun and wind that was in Ashland today
2. Not having to give my speech in Spanish today. Whew!
3. My math midterm being postponed until Friday.
4. The Kutless concert!!
5. That I think I have my schedule figured out for next term finally. And that, in an email, my advisor said that I am "thoughtful and make good decisions!" Ha. :)
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Days of Grace #5
1. Paychecks!!
2. Clean sheets.
3. Italian sodas...so good.
4. That time of the evening when the sky is light blue and the clouds are all dark and mysterious looking.
5. The book Personality Plus (I bought it yesterday, and have read most of it already).
2. Clean sheets.
3. Italian sodas...so good.
4. That time of the evening when the sky is light blue and the clouds are all dark and mysterious looking.
5. The book Personality Plus (I bought it yesterday, and have read most of it already).
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Days of Grace #4
1. The teaching tonight at Bible study. It was one of those things where I pretty much felt like the pastor was speaking directly to me. Basically about everything I wrote about yesterday.
2. 1st graders! They are so cute. Today, I was:
-told my face looks like this little girl's sister's face (told to me while I was leading a reading group...quite random)
-asked if I had new shoes (nope, exact same shoes I've worn the last 4 times I've gone [they're cute, ok?]) then told about his shoes
-asked about 3 times if I'd still be there when they got back from recess and lunch
-given a hug for no reason
I love it.
3. The Office.
4. http://stufffchristianslike.blogspot.com/
5. The auto-save feature on this. My internet explorer has frozen and restarted twice now, but this was saved.
2. 1st graders! They are so cute. Today, I was:
-told my face looks like this little girl's sister's face (told to me while I was leading a reading group...quite random)
-asked if I had new shoes (nope, exact same shoes I've worn the last 4 times I've gone [they're cute, ok?]) then told about his shoes
-asked about 3 times if I'd still be there when they got back from recess and lunch
-given a hug for no reason
I love it.
3. The Office.
4. http://stufffchristianslike.blogspot.com/
5. The auto-save feature on this. My internet explorer has frozen and restarted twice now, but this was saved.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
SOU and Days of Grace #3
Here's the deal: if the professor for the education class that I was hoping to get into doesn't email me back soon (I wrote to him on Monday!) then I may take a martial arts PE class instead. Basically just because 1) this ed. class is the only one my advisor advised me to take instead of spanish, 2) I don't know what other class I can take instead because every other class I need is "upper division" and I'll be finishing up my "lower division" classes this term, 3) I would actually like to take one class just for fun, and 4) I've been wanting to start working out anyway, and a beginning martial arts/self-defense class would be a good way to make me do that. I actually LOVE to take the swimming PE class, but it's only offered when during the only time my astronomy class is offered. Maybe next year I'll take it.
Anyway. So I've been thinking a lot today. The past couple of weeks, actually. One thing we talk about in SOMA (it's a Bible study on campus) each week is our role as Christians on campus and reaching out to those on campus who aren't saved and just need some hope and truth in the midst of a dark school. What I've been really thinking about this week is how I want to do that--to reach out to others, to point them to Christ--but how I often I fail at that. Time to get honest and personal...basically, I am a fearful person. I inwardly fear what others think of me, worrying that I'll say or do the wrong thing. It frankly is something that holds me back, and I know it, but I don't know how to change it. It's not like I can simply say to myself, "self, stop worrying about what others will think. just do it. just say what you're thinking. raise your hand in class, participate in the prayer at Bible study, stop your heart from pounding and your hands from sweating." (well, I can say that to myself, I do in fact, but it doesn't help much.) It's something I've been praying about lately, because I realize that there's no way I can overcome any of it on my own.
Anyway, I didn't mean for this to be all about me--what I meant to say is that I've been feeling a bit disheartened this week because of the lack of hope--the lack of God--at SOU. There is one person in particular who has been in my mind over the last couple of weeks, ever since I overheard a conversation in which one person said her parents were worried that SOU was "turning her wiccan", and the other person responded with, "well, this school has turned me atheist!" I know that people make their own decisions, but I also believe that the school can have a strong influence on students. Hearing that person say that he considered the school responsible for his believing God doesn't exist...wow. I don't even know what to say.
So, I am praying that God will do both a work in me--taking away my hesitations and doubts, and replacing them with strength and courage--and in my school. I know that there are some positive things going on at SOU (various Bible studies that are encouraging the believers, discussions about God [in classes and in the newspaper...I just read an article today. it was actually pretty full of "we are all just looking for happiness, it doesn't matter what you believe", but at least it was a discussion and asking for opinions. i thought about writing in. i still may, if i can find the paper again because i didn't keep it] and such).
I just pray that God will do a work in the school, in the students, and in the people of Ashland. If you think about it this week, maybe you can pray also.
So I don't have to post another entry, here are the 5 things I'm thankful for today:
1. God's love, mercy, and strength.
2. Chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting.
3. Mornings that are warm enough that my the windshield of my car is not frozen.
4. Exams that are super easy.
5. Wind.
Anyway. So I've been thinking a lot today. The past couple of weeks, actually. One thing we talk about in SOMA (it's a Bible study on campus) each week is our role as Christians on campus and reaching out to those on campus who aren't saved and just need some hope and truth in the midst of a dark school. What I've been really thinking about this week is how I want to do that--to reach out to others, to point them to Christ--but how I often I fail at that. Time to get honest and personal...basically, I am a fearful person. I inwardly fear what others think of me, worrying that I'll say or do the wrong thing. It frankly is something that holds me back, and I know it, but I don't know how to change it. It's not like I can simply say to myself, "self, stop worrying about what others will think. just do it. just say what you're thinking. raise your hand in class, participate in the prayer at Bible study, stop your heart from pounding and your hands from sweating." (well, I can say that to myself, I do in fact, but it doesn't help much.) It's something I've been praying about lately, because I realize that there's no way I can overcome any of it on my own.
Anyway, I didn't mean for this to be all about me--what I meant to say is that I've been feeling a bit disheartened this week because of the lack of hope--the lack of God--at SOU. There is one person in particular who has been in my mind over the last couple of weeks, ever since I overheard a conversation in which one person said her parents were worried that SOU was "turning her wiccan", and the other person responded with, "well, this school has turned me atheist!" I know that people make their own decisions, but I also believe that the school can have a strong influence on students. Hearing that person say that he considered the school responsible for his believing God doesn't exist...wow. I don't even know what to say.
So, I am praying that God will do both a work in me--taking away my hesitations and doubts, and replacing them with strength and courage--and in my school. I know that there are some positive things going on at SOU (various Bible studies that are encouraging the believers, discussions about God [in classes and in the newspaper...I just read an article today. it was actually pretty full of "we are all just looking for happiness, it doesn't matter what you believe", but at least it was a discussion and asking for opinions. i thought about writing in. i still may, if i can find the paper again because i didn't keep it] and such).
I just pray that God will do a work in the school, in the students, and in the people of Ashland. If you think about it this week, maybe you can pray also.
So I don't have to post another entry, here are the 5 things I'm thankful for today:
1. God's love, mercy, and strength.
2. Chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting.
3. Mornings that are warm enough that my the windshield of my car is not frozen.
4. Exams that are super easy.
5. Wind.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Decisions, Decisions.
Seriously, I wish I had a magic machine that would create the perfect school schedule for me each term, without me having to try to figure it out. It would make life so very much easier.
While we're at it, let's just have it plan out the next few years for me. There are simply too many options, decisions, and things to fit into place.
It doesn't help that I analyze each possible decision and worry over my decisions. It's funny, my friend and I often talk about how we over-analyze things and worry over the little details, and just today in my practicum class we learned more about different personality types. I completely saw myself in nearly every example of the personality traits for the "analytical" personality. It was actually a bit scary how much like me the descriptions are. I'm thinking about buying the book that the personality profile is based on (Personality Plus by Florence Littauer) because I find it all fascinating in a scary sort of way.
Now, where can I get that magic machine...
While we're at it, let's just have it plan out the next few years for me. There are simply too many options, decisions, and things to fit into place.
It doesn't help that I analyze each possible decision and worry over my decisions. It's funny, my friend and I often talk about how we over-analyze things and worry over the little details, and just today in my practicum class we learned more about different personality types. I completely saw myself in nearly every example of the personality traits for the "analytical" personality. It was actually a bit scary how much like me the descriptions are. I'm thinking about buying the book that the personality profile is based on (Personality Plus by Florence Littauer) because I find it all fascinating in a scary sort of way.
Now, where can I get that magic machine...
Days Of Grace #2
1. Finding $5 in my pocket yesterday that I thought I had lost.
2. SOMA Bible study on Mondays. It's so encouraging.
3. I have a test tonight in health class, which means that I will probably get home around 6:45 instead of around 8:30.
4. Yesterday my Spanish teacher told me that I'm a good student and she wished I'd continue taking Spanish classes, and then she proceeded to convince me by telling me what classes I could take to make it work. I'm writing this as something I'm thankful for, because I had no idea my professer thought I was any good at Spanish, and I was actually shocked that she told me that. All this term the class has been hard for me and I completely thought she didn't like me. Of course, she just made me even more confused and undecisive.
5. Friends.
2. SOMA Bible study on Mondays. It's so encouraging.
3. I have a test tonight in health class, which means that I will probably get home around 6:45 instead of around 8:30.
4. Yesterday my Spanish teacher told me that I'm a good student and she wished I'd continue taking Spanish classes, and then she proceeded to convince me by telling me what classes I could take to make it work. I'm writing this as something I'm thankful for, because I had no idea my professer thought I was any good at Spanish, and I was actually shocked that she told me that. All this term the class has been hard for me and I completely thought she didn't like me. Of course, she just made me even more confused and undecisive.
5. Friends.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
DOG #1
There is this thing called "365 Days of Grace", in which you post five things that you are thankful for/that are good/that make you happy each day, which I found via my friend Brooke's blog. I've decided to participate as well, but since I probably won't be posting each day, I'm sure it will take me way longer than 365 days. But I'm going to try anyway. So, here we go...

1. Sunny, windy mornings.
2. See's chocolate left over from Valentine's Day. Yummm.
3. A job. Even when it involves me getting over my telophonophobia (this is a real word, which means "the persistent, abnormal, and unwarranted fear of telephones"...so, ok, I am not actually telophonophobic, but I don't feel all that comfortable talking to people I don't know about a subject that I really know nothing about [taxes] and occasionally having to do so in Spanish {on a side note, I did overhear a couple Mexican clients talking about me in Spanish, and they called me "the pretty girl", so I guess it's not so bad}, but I have to admit, it got much easier as the day progressed, and by the end of the day it wasn't so bad). (Another side note: does the period go inside or outside the parenthesis? It's opposite in English and Spanish, and now I can't remember which one is which. Maybe I'll do both until someone helps me out. That way I'm covered either way.). Back to the topic...I am thankful for my job.
4. Taking a friend to church who hasn't been going, and having her tell me after, "I feel like that sermon was just for me." Then her telling you that she wants to keep going to church!
5. Being able to register for classes waaay before everyone else (other than graduate students and others in the acc. bacc. program) so you are guarenteed to get into the classes you need (even if you not sure yet about a class...). And being able to do so at home while in your pajamas!

1. Sunny, windy mornings.
2. See's chocolate left over from Valentine's Day. Yummm.
3. A job. Even when it involves me getting over my telophonophobia (this is a real word, which means "the persistent, abnormal, and unwarranted fear of telephones"...so, ok, I am not actually telophonophobic, but I don't feel all that comfortable talking to people I don't know about a subject that I really know nothing about [taxes] and occasionally having to do so in Spanish {on a side note, I did overhear a couple Mexican clients talking about me in Spanish, and they called me "the pretty girl", so I guess it's not so bad}, but I have to admit, it got much easier as the day progressed, and by the end of the day it wasn't so bad). (Another side note: does the period go inside or outside the parenthesis? It's opposite in English and Spanish, and now I can't remember which one is which. Maybe I'll do both until someone helps me out. That way I'm covered either way.). Back to the topic...I am thankful for my job.
4. Taking a friend to church who hasn't been going, and having her tell me after, "I feel like that sermon was just for me." Then her telling you that she wants to keep going to church!
5. Being able to register for classes waaay before everyone else (other than graduate students and others in the acc. bacc. program) so you are guarenteed to get into the classes you need (even if you not sure yet about a class...). And being able to do so at home while in your pajamas!
Friday, February 13, 2009
What a busy week!
This week has been so busy! I kept meaning to write another entry on here but I just didn't have enough time. Monday was a pretty normal day, I had classes all day and didn't get home until about 6:30. On Tuesday morning, I interviewed a lady who is an ESL teacher at an elementary school year as part of a big project I have to do for my Spanish class. Once I got home from that, I wrote five essays (yep, FIVE): two for a scholarship application, two for my practicum midterm, and one for my Spanish class. By the time I finished with all that, I had to get to my afternoon/evening classes, and I didn't get home until about 8:30. Wednesday was normal (busy), and Thursday's activites involved doing my practicum in the mornining, a lot of studying for my art history midterm, taking my midterm, and then going to SOU to play in a band concert that night. The concert was pretty fun...we played a combined concert with the high school and middle school, so there were a lot of musicians, audience members, and chaos. I can hardly believe that just a few years ago (well...about five) I was the same age as one of those middle schoolers who are just starting out with band. Time flies!
Last night when I went to bed all the weather reports said that it was supposed to snow a bunch overnight, so I was hoping that classes would be cancelled and I'd be able to sleep in and relax a bit. It turns out that it did snow quite a bit (it looked like there were about 3-5" in some spots), but they only cancelled classes that started before 10 am, and since my class started right at 10 am, it wasn't cancelled. There was a pretty nasty car crash on the freeway too, so I got stuck for about 20 minutes and ended up being slightly late to class. The snow was beautiful though, I love how it covers everything with it's pure whiteness and makes everything look so majestic and clean. I only wish it had stuck around longer.
I got a haircut today also! I love my friend Maggie's hair, so I took her with me to my appointment and said that I wanted my hair to be cut like hers. So now I have long bangs and a bunch of layers! I just hope I can keep myself from constantly playing with my bangs, because I'm sorta OCD about having my hair in my face (meaning I can't stand it, which is why I haven't had bangs before...but I think they look good, so I'm going to try to leave them alone!)
Sunday is early registration for spring term classes already. I thought I had it all figured out, but now I'm second-guessing my decisions. I just don't know if I want to take Spanish anymore. I really don't like the class this term, and I know next term will be different because I'll have a different professor and everything, but I just don't know if I want to do it. I don't have to take it at all. It's getting me elective credits that I don't even need. I have been taking it because I like the language, and I was considering having it be my minor for a while. But now...I'm unsure. I don't think I have room in my schedule to take enough classes to fulfill the requirements for the minor because I am in the accelerated baccalaureate program. So really, it's just added stress. I have been taking it in part because I think it will be good for me to know Spanish if I am going to be a teacher around here, but I just don't know if this class will really help me with that. Plus, when I get my master's degree, I can get an ESOL endorsement regardless of whether I took any Spanish classes in college. I'd like to take a Spanish grammer class, but there isn't one that will fit into my schedule. Decisions, decisions. I think I may need to email my advisor tonight.
Anyway, tomorrow I am going to work from 8-4 for the first time. Truthfully, I don't like answering phones and such. I remember when I was an assistant in the office at my high school last year and I had to answer phones, I tried to get out of it by keeping busy with other stuff so someone else would get the phone...it's just never been something I particulary enjoy. However, that is pretty much going to be what I'm doing tomorrow when I begin my receptionist job. So it's providing me with an opportunity to stretch myself a bit! I'm just praying that I will get more comfortable with it as the day progesses. But even if I don't enjoy it, I'm thankful to have the job!
Well, I'd better wrap this thing up so I can make some emails regarding my Spanish class.
Last night when I went to bed all the weather reports said that it was supposed to snow a bunch overnight, so I was hoping that classes would be cancelled and I'd be able to sleep in and relax a bit. It turns out that it did snow quite a bit (it looked like there were about 3-5" in some spots), but they only cancelled classes that started before 10 am, and since my class started right at 10 am, it wasn't cancelled. There was a pretty nasty car crash on the freeway too, so I got stuck for about 20 minutes and ended up being slightly late to class. The snow was beautiful though, I love how it covers everything with it's pure whiteness and makes everything look so majestic and clean. I only wish it had stuck around longer.
I got a haircut today also! I love my friend Maggie's hair, so I took her with me to my appointment and said that I wanted my hair to be cut like hers. So now I have long bangs and a bunch of layers! I just hope I can keep myself from constantly playing with my bangs, because I'm sorta OCD about having my hair in my face (meaning I can't stand it, which is why I haven't had bangs before...but I think they look good, so I'm going to try to leave them alone!)
Sunday is early registration for spring term classes already. I thought I had it all figured out, but now I'm second-guessing my decisions. I just don't know if I want to take Spanish anymore. I really don't like the class this term, and I know next term will be different because I'll have a different professor and everything, but I just don't know if I want to do it. I don't have to take it at all. It's getting me elective credits that I don't even need. I have been taking it because I like the language, and I was considering having it be my minor for a while. But now...I'm unsure. I don't think I have room in my schedule to take enough classes to fulfill the requirements for the minor because I am in the accelerated baccalaureate program. So really, it's just added stress. I have been taking it in part because I think it will be good for me to know Spanish if I am going to be a teacher around here, but I just don't know if this class will really help me with that. Plus, when I get my master's degree, I can get an ESOL endorsement regardless of whether I took any Spanish classes in college. I'd like to take a Spanish grammer class, but there isn't one that will fit into my schedule. Decisions, decisions. I think I may need to email my advisor tonight.
Anyway, tomorrow I am going to work from 8-4 for the first time. Truthfully, I don't like answering phones and such. I remember when I was an assistant in the office at my high school last year and I had to answer phones, I tried to get out of it by keeping busy with other stuff so someone else would get the phone...it's just never been something I particulary enjoy. However, that is pretty much going to be what I'm doing tomorrow when I begin my receptionist job. So it's providing me with an opportunity to stretch myself a bit! I'm just praying that I will get more comfortable with it as the day progesses. But even if I don't enjoy it, I'm thankful to have the job!
Well, I'd better wrap this thing up so I can make some emails regarding my Spanish class.
Monday, February 9, 2009
A Hello and Lots of Rambling
Hello there.
I finally decided tonight that I would make a blog. I'm not completely sure what prompted me to take the plunge, but I figured it would be nice to have a place to write (actually type--which is even better, because I can type way faster than I can write, especially in a journal that doesn't have a spirally part so it's difficult to write in it and even more so because I get frustrated with sloppy handwriting--but I digress) about what's going on. I've always found that writing out what's going on helps me to sort out my thoughts. Plus, I love being able to look back and read about all the crazy stuff that has happened that I might forget about otherwise. So there you go. My reasons for beginning this blog in one fairly long paragraph.
Let's see. I suppose I should introduce myself.
Now for real life. The whole reason I jumped on this blogging bandwagon was to write about stuff, after all. Today started off pretty good. I actually managed to get to bed by about 10:45 last night, so when I woke up this morning, I was pretty awake by the time I hit my snooze button the 3rd time. (I love sleeping. I know people (my dad, for example) who can sleep for 6 or 7 hours and be ok the next day, but I really need closer to 8 1/2 hours for me to feel truly awake and alert the next day.) Also, I just can't turn off my alarm clock and roll out of bed. I just can't do it. I always hit my snooze button a few times first. It kind of eases me awake, I suppose.
Anyway, so I had a good morning. Then I went to math class, learned about approaches to adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing (it sounds basic...and, ok, it is...but it's pretty hard too. I didn't realize that learning how to teach math could be so hard. Luckily I have an amazing professor who makes it make sense), then went to Bible study, then Spanish. I got my midterm back today, and I got a B+ on it! I'm excited about it, because it was a difficult test and I wasn't expecting to do very well. Then I went to band, which had it's awkward moments, mostly because I didn't have the right music. Which wasn't my fault, I couldn't read the parts I was given because they were in base clef. So the guy who sits in front on me (and plays tenor sax, so not even my instrument) loaned me his music and he just had his memorized or something.
Also, something exciting happened tonight--an hour ago I didn't have a job (but I've wanted one), but now I have one! My friend's mom, who owns a business, called and offered me a job on Saturdays. Praise God!
Well, I think that's about it. Off to read and get to bed early again! :)
I finally decided tonight that I would make a blog. I'm not completely sure what prompted me to take the plunge, but I figured it would be nice to have a place to write (actually type--which is even better, because I can type way faster than I can write, especially in a journal that doesn't have a spirally part so it's difficult to write in it and even more so because I get frustrated with sloppy handwriting--but I digress) about what's going on. I've always found that writing out what's going on helps me to sort out my thoughts. Plus, I love being able to look back and read about all the crazy stuff that has happened that I might forget about otherwise. So there you go. My reasons for beginning this blog in one fairly long paragraph.
Let's see. I suppose I should introduce myself.
- My name is Ashley (if you haven't already figured that out from the title, although I guess if you don't understand Spanish you wouldn't realize what it says. By the way, I do acknowledge that it is a rather boring title, but it was all I could come up with. If you have a better suggestion, feel free to share.)
- I am a student at Southern Oregon University, majoring in elementary education. I thought about having a minor in Spanish, but I just don't think that's going to happen...too much work, too little time.
- I live at home with my padres still, which is nice, although I've gotta admit that I have days where I wish I had my own apartment--not because I have a problem living with my parents (because they are great parents, and I have no problem living under their roof)...I'd just like to have my own roof. Well, my own apartment, but you know what I mean. It would have a roof.
- I am a Christian. I probably should have started with that, because it more accurately reflects my identity than my being a poor student who lives at home does. But I don't want to take the time to switch things around, so it's going to stay like that.
Now for real life. The whole reason I jumped on this blogging bandwagon was to write about stuff, after all. Today started off pretty good. I actually managed to get to bed by about 10:45 last night, so when I woke up this morning, I was pretty awake by the time I hit my snooze button the 3rd time. (I love sleeping. I know people (my dad, for example) who can sleep for 6 or 7 hours and be ok the next day, but I really need closer to 8 1/2 hours for me to feel truly awake and alert the next day.) Also, I just can't turn off my alarm clock and roll out of bed. I just can't do it. I always hit my snooze button a few times first. It kind of eases me awake, I suppose.
Anyway, so I had a good morning. Then I went to math class, learned about approaches to adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing (it sounds basic...and, ok, it is...but it's pretty hard too. I didn't realize that learning how to teach math could be so hard. Luckily I have an amazing professor who makes it make sense), then went to Bible study, then Spanish. I got my midterm back today, and I got a B+ on it! I'm excited about it, because it was a difficult test and I wasn't expecting to do very well. Then I went to band, which had it's awkward moments, mostly because I didn't have the right music. Which wasn't my fault, I couldn't read the parts I was given because they were in base clef. So the guy who sits in front on me (and plays tenor sax, so not even my instrument) loaned me his music and he just had his memorized or something.
Also, something exciting happened tonight--an hour ago I didn't have a job (but I've wanted one), but now I have one! My friend's mom, who owns a business, called and offered me a job on Saturdays. Praise God!
Well, I think that's about it. Off to read and get to bed early again! :)
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